Australia is the new testing ground for 26,000 MHz millimetre wave 5G technology.

Did you know that the telecommunications industry has never tested or proven safety on millimetre waves at 26,000 MHz?

Even before 5G, over 2000 peer-reviewed reports show biological harm from 3G and 4G wireless technology. Hence, why no insurance company will cover this technology, ever.

 What is 26,000MHz?

26,000 MHz (26GHz) are millimeter waves, these pointed signals are being sent via laser-like phased array beams and now we know Australia is the testing ground.

5G is an additional layer to what is already radiating from your local tower. 3G + 4G + 5G radiates from the same tower at the same time.

How do you check if 5G (26,000 MHz) has been switched on near you?

  1. Jump onto and search your location or address.

  2. Check on the address to see what level of 5G radiation you’re being exposed to.

If you’re seeing 5G in Black at 26,000 MHz, this means it is already operating and you are being exposed to high-level military-grade technology.

If 26,000MHz is displayed but 5G is circled in Blue, it is yet to be turned on but is due to be upgraded soon.

Please note 5G is not replacing 3G and 4G bandwidth from towers. As you can see 5G is additional radiation in our atmosphere – this means 3G, 4G and 5G all radiate waves and beams from a tower at the same time.

What can you do about it?

  1. Print and share with your neighbour’s letterbox.

  2. Screenshot your RFNSA results and share them with your online community using #26000, Remember to tag @wearenotsam

  3. Email with your RFNSA URL and we can add it to our list of impacted locations.

  4. Contact your local newspaper and cc your local MP to let them know an experimental technology is being deployed in your region.

  5. Download this flyer to email to your contact list.

What are the Bio-effects of long-term radiation exposure?

Source: McCredden, J., Weller, S., Leech, V., 2023 “The Assumption Of Safety Is Being Used To Justify The Rollout Of 5G Technologies”, Frontiers in Public Health, Vol 11.

How can you mitigate the harmful bio-effects of this technology?

For the last 15 years, We Are Not SAM founder Rinat Strahlhofer has been using Orgone Effects Australia for herself, her family and friends and has experienced incredible results. She recommends and trusts these products implicitly.

“The most efficient way to neutralize the harmful effects of EMS (Electromagnetic Stress) in the human meridian system is to employ EMF Harmonizing solutions”
– Gerard Bini (Founder of Orgone Effects)

Orgone Effects EMF Harmonizing Solutions help to produce a negative charge resonance, this helps to balance your frequency so that it is as close to nature as possible. Having the correct negative charge frequencies is vitally important in balancing out the positive charge resonance from any surrounding electromagnetic fields in order to neutralise any harmful electromagnetic stress on the human body and the meridian system.

Their full range of harmonizing products has been field tested and proven as non-placebo, and are recommended and distributed worldwide by Accredited health professionals such as Kinesiologists, Bioresonance Practitioners, Naturopaths, Chiropractors, Holistic Health Practitioners and Integrated Medical Practitioners.

You can learn more about their products here.

We’re very happy to be able to provide a special discount for our WANS audience. Get 10% off the entire Orgone Effects Australia range using discount code WANS10.

Orgone Effects products protect you against all of these:

We highly recommend purchasing the following solutions:

  • In the home, try the dome or geocleanse, this will give you the best coverage.

  • For your mobile phone and Wi-Fi, use the harmoniser sticker, you can apply the sticker directly to your phone or router.

  • And for maximum protection for you and your family, use the stellar pendant and enerband. Both products are safe for kids and look pretty cool too.

IMPORTANT: The reason we support these products so strongly is that standard EMF readers do not pick up the bio-resonance energy field. To find out why this is so important, you can read all about it in this blog from Orgone Effects; Beyond EMF.

After years of research and testing, we can proudly stand behind the EMF-harmonizing products from Orgone Effects. Please be discerning if purchasing from another provider.


We Are Not SAM – The Film!