Have you met Sam?

Probably not. But Sam knows you.

And he plays a rather significant role in your life, whether you like it or not.  

Here’s a hint. If you aren’t already, look down at your phone.

Still not sure? Allow us to introduce you to Sam.

“Hello there. My name is SAM, short for
Specific Anthropomorphic Mannequin.
What a mouthful, right!? You can just call me SAM.

Well, I don’t mean to begin with a brag, but I have a really dangerous job. Being blasted with radiation every day is not exactly a walk in the park! But my motto is, if you can’t take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.”


Tell us more, SAM.

“Physically, I’m in the 3%. It’s no big deal, but think a strapping, 6-foot, 100kg athletic type who stares peril in the face every day.

I’m just an average guy, really! Though I’ve been told that I can be a bit hard-headed.

My job is risky and kind of classified, so I shouldn’t really be talking about it, but what I do touches the lives of so many. And I can promise you this:

The nice people I work with have only your best interests at heart. Your safety is in their hands... or is it?”

Hmm. Where have we heard this before?

 The nice people Sam is referring to work for companies that make products.
You may not know them all by name, but you know who they are.



Did you know that cigarettes were once a treatment for bronchitis and asthma? Or that asbestos was hailed as the material of the future?
At one-point opium was recommended to help babies sleep! (pause for horrified gasps).

Now back to Sam. It’s true. His job affects the lives of so many, including you and your family. Look again at your mobile phone, the most significant consumer product of our generation.

The advertising doesn't tell you that mobile devices are tested on a dummy.

We are not dummies!

The advertising doesn't tell you that mobile devices are tested on a dummy.

We are not dummies!

Mobile phones emit radiation.
This is a scientifically proven fact.

After all, it’s even written in your phone's instruction manual. If you carry it in your pocket or hold it against your head for too long (like how it’s intended to be used) it vastly exceeds the safe level of radiation for a human. And the phone companies are well aware of this.

You would assume that this intimate object you hold so dear (and close to your body for hours a day) has been subject to rigorous safety testing.

Yes, your phone has been tested for safety.
On a plastic dummy.

We’ll let that sink in.

"What?! That can’t be true! How did I not know this??"
we can hear you cry! The truth is, you don’t know because they don’t want you to know.

Yes, your phone has been tested for safety.
On a plastic dummy.

We’ll let that sink in.

"What?! That can’t be true! How did I not know this??" we can hear you cry! The truth is, you don’t know because they don’t want you to know.


But it is a fact: The Sam dummy is the only test for mobile device radiation in the world.

So what has SAM got to say about this?


But it is a fact: The Sam dummy is the only test for mobile device radiation in the world.

So what has SAM got to say about this?

But it is a fact: The Sam dummy is the only test for mobile device radiation in the world.

So what has SAM got to say about this?

"Look. I work closely with the experts. You could even say they have a direct line into my brain. They are in my ear every day. They know what they are doing! You can trust them!”

 We know this all sounds unbelievable and a little crazy. And we wish it wasn’t true. But unfortunately, it is a fact. We even supported a court case in the US back in 2021 that proved it. We’d love to tell you more about Sam and offer a few facts and some information that might surprise you.

All we all want is the best for our loved ones, and to keep them safe.
Over the years we have trusted experts, products and brands with this task, many times with disastrous consequences. After everything we now know,would you trust a corporation to
oversee your family's safety?

After so much harm has been caused over the last century by
so many celebrated products and brands, answer us this.

What’s the harm in reading on?

Learn more.

 We know this all sounds unbelievable. And we wish it wasn’t true. But unfortunately, it is a fact. We even supported a court case in the US back in 2021 that proved it. We’d love to tell you more about Sam and offer a few facts and some information that might surprise you.

All we all want is the best for our loved ones, and to keep them safe. Over the years we have trusted experts, products and brands with this task, many times
with disastrous consequences. After
everything we now know, would you
trust a corporation to oversee your
family's safety?

After so much harm has been
caused over the last century by
so many celebrated products and
brands, answer us this.

What’s the harm
in reading on?

Learn more.

 We know this all sounds unbelievable and a little crazy. And we wish it wasn’t true. But unfortunately, it is a fact. We even supported a court case in the US back in 2021 that proved it. We’d love to tell you more about Sam and offer a few facts and some information that might surprise you.

All we all want is the best for our loved ones, and to keep them safe. Over the years we have trusted experts, products and brands with this task, many times with disastrous consequences. After everything we now know, would you trust a corporation to oversee your family's safety?

After so much harm has been caused over the last century by
so many celebrated products and brands, answer us this.

What’s the harm in reading on?

Learn more.