The dirty little secret about your mobile phone "they" don't want you to know.
Have you met Sam?
Probably not. But Sam plays a rather significant role in your life, whether you like it or not.
Here’s a hint. If you aren’t already, look down at your phone.
You may already know that mobile phones emit radiation. This is a scientifically proven fact.
After all, it’s even written in your phone's instruction manual. Read the fine print towards the back where it warns that if you carry your phone in your pocket or hold it against your head for too long, it vastly exceeds the safe level of radiation for a human. And the phone companies are well aware of this.
And you might assume that this intimate object you hold so dear (and close to your body for hours a day) has been subject to rigorous safety testing.
Well, your phone has been tested for safety.
On Sam. A plastic dummy.
We’ll let that sink in.
"What?! That can’t be true! How did I not know this??" we can hear you say!
But it is a fact:
The Sam dummy is the only test for mobile device radiation in the world.
We know this all sounds unbelievable and a little crazy. And we wish it wasn’t true. But unfortunately, it is a fact. We even won a court case in the US back in 2021 that
proved it.
And now, we’re working hard to uncover these ugly truths, to help people make informed decisions for the benefit of their families, and campaigning for safer technology for all.
We are “We are Not Sam”.
Because we are human, not dummies.
Like most people on this planet, we understand and appreciate the vast benefits of technology. But we also acknowledge that our world has become obsessed with technology and the constant pursuit of progress; newer, bigger, faster, better.
Our mission is to humanise technology and its impact on our society. It’s our aim to bring awareness to harmful practices, and advocate for safe, beneficial and mindful use of technology for future generations to come.
We want the telecommunications technology we use every day to be safe for us and our children. We don’t think that is too much to ask.
Our plans and ambitions are only growing.
And we need your help.
Since We Are Not Sam drew its first breath in 2019, we have knocked on every door, pursued every lead, consumed every scrap of scientific data and worked tirelessly in seeking the truth and inciting change for the benefit of all.
By donating to our campaign, you are aiding us on our mission to:
Advocate for greater accountability, transparency and ethicality from regulators, manufacturers and the telecommunications industry
Raise awareness of the lack of legitimate safety testing for phones and the scientific findings and facts surrounding the health detriments of 5G technology.
Provide education and support for all people and children in using technology more safely and consciously.
In our four years of campaigning, we have seen significant traction in our movement to uncover some ugly truths that exist across the global telecommunications industry. We have used social media platforms to create awareness, and gained both international and national news coverage, consisting of over 100 interviews and presentations on the facts and shortcomings of SAM testing. We have been honoured to partner with prominent environmental think-tanks, renowned charities, scientists and thought leaders and have operated on generous donations from supporters and the public.
We thank you for any contribution and together we can bring real and meaningful change. Let’s stop complying, and instead let’s take responsibility and educate ourselves. Ask questions. Challenge what doesn’t feel right. And always read the fine print.