Our plans and ambitions are only growing.
And we need
your help.

Since We Are Not SAM drew its first breath, we have knocked on every door, pursued every lead, consumed every scrap of scientific data and worked tirelessly in seeking the truth and inciting change for the benefit of all.
In our four years of campaigning, we have seen significant traction in our movement to uncover the ugly truths that exist across the global telecommunications industry. We have used social media platforms to create awareness, and gained both international and national news coverage, consisting of over 100 interviews and presentations on the facts and shortcomings of SAM testing. We have been honoured to partner with prominent environmental think-tanks, renowned charities, scientists and thought leaders and have operated on generous do from supporters and the public.
But to continue to do this work, we need your support. We need donations to keep the campaign fires alight and fuel our momentum to make the impact and achieve the change we believe our children deserve.

Since We Are Not SAM drew its first breath, we have knocked on every door, pursued every lead, consumed every scrap of scientific data and worked tirelessly in seeking the truth and inciting change for the benefit of all.
In our four years of campaigning, we have seen significant traction in our movement to uncover the ugly truths that exist across the global telecommunications industry. We have used social media platforms to create awareness, and gained both international and national news coverage, consisting of over 100 interviews and presentations on the facts and shortcomings of SAM testing. We have been honoured to partner with prominent environmental think-tanks, renowned charities, scientists and thought leaders and have operated on generous do from supporters and the public.
But to continue to do this work, we need your support. We need donations to keep the campaign fires alight and fuel our momentum to make the impact and achieve the change we believe our children deserve.

Since We Are Not SAM drew its first breath, we have knocked on every door, pursued every lead, consumed every scrap of scientific data and worked tirelessly in seeking the truth and inciting change for the benefit of all.
In our four years of campaigning, we have seen significant traction in our movement to uncover the ugly truths that exist across the global telecommunications industry. We have used social media platforms to create awareness, and gained both international and national news coverage, consisting of over 100 interviews and presentations on the facts and shortcomings of SAM testing. We have been honoured to partner with prominent environmental think-tanks, renowned charities, scientists and thought leaders and have operated on generous do from supporters and the public.
But to continue to do this work, we need your support. We need donations to keep the campaign fires alight and fuel our momentum to make the impact and achieve the change we believe our children deserve.

Our biggest win - The landmark court case found the FCC guilty of ignoring evidence of harm, negligence & fraud
Our greatest success to date is one we are extremely proud of and is it a great example of the real action we are taking in pursuit of this cause.
In 2021, our partners, Children's Health Defense, and Environmental Health Trust won a landmark legal case against the FCC
(Federal Communications Commission - the governing body in the US to regulate the communications industry and the products within it). This unprecedented ruling was won in favour of our work and found that not only was the SAM testing fraudulent and negligent, but that the FCC had actively ignored substantial evidence presented to them on the numerous harms from wireless technology, ranging from neurological affects to radiation sickness. The court also emphasised that the FCC failed to respond to extensive data outlining the specific negative effects of radiation on children, especially regarding the lack of valid testing procedures for cell phones. Furthermore, though this ruling was exceptional and significant, curiously no media reported on the outcome of this case.

By donating to our campaign, you are aiding us on our mission to:
• Advocate for greater accountability, transparency and ethicality from regulators, manufacturers and the telecommunications industry
• Raise awareness of the lack of legitimate safety testing for phones and the scientific findings and facts surrounding the health detriments of 5G technology.
• Provide education and support for all people and children in using technology more safely and consciously.
We thank you for any contribution and together we can bring real and meaningful change. Let’s stop complying, and instead let’s take responsibility and educate ourselves. Ask questions. Challenge what doesn’t feel right. And always read the fine print.

By donating to our campaign, you are aiding us on our mission to:
• Advocate for greater accountability, transparency and ethicality from regulators, manufacturers and the telecommunications industry
• Raise awareness of the lack of legitimate safety testing for phones and the scientific findings and facts surrounding the health detriments of 5G technology.
• Provide education and support for all people and children in using technology more safely and consciously.
We thank you for any contribution and together we can bring real and meaningful change. Let’s stop complying, and instead let’s take responsibility and educate ourselves. Ask questions. Challenge what doesn’t feel right. And always read the fine print.

By donating to our campaign, you are aiding us on our mission to:
• Advocate for greater accountability, transparency and ethicality from regulators, manufacturers and the telecommunications industry
• Raise awareness of the lack of legitimate safety testing for phones and the scientific findings and facts surrounding the health detriments of 5G technology.
• Provide education and support for all people and children in using technology more safely and consciously.
We thank you for any contribution and together we can bring real and meaningful change. Let’s stop complying, and instead let’s take responsibility and educate ourselves. Ask questions. Challenge what doesn’t feel right. And always read the fine print.